Posted in Books and More

Join the Club, I Did.

Book of the Month Club, I dove right in! I research a lot of the monthly box clubs and while ‘stuff’ is cool and one box was super intreging–it had gifts to open only after reading certain pages, it seemed super emmersive, check it out here.— I decided to join Book of the Month (BOTM) as sort of a ‘gateway box’.

If you are like me, an anti-social ball of anxiety, and hate the overwhelming choices at a bookstore, this is an awesome option for you. The BOTM chooses 5 titles, from which you choose the 1 that would most like to read. You may skip months and that ‘credit’ is rolled-over to the following month.

Here, check it out for yourself! If you want to join, use my referal code and receive a free book!

Trust me. I should know. I’m one of them. And if you are someone easily offended by foul, vulgar, profane language, this essay might not be for you. There is an amazing essay written by Jordan Schneider in The Chronicle of Higher Education that covers why swearing in class isn’t that big of a deal; […]

via Potty-mouthed Professors: Why They’re the Best — The Write Inspiration

Potty-mouthed Professors: Why They’re the Best — The Write Inspiration

Posted in Mental Health

The “D” Word

We have all heard it. You may have even said it. We try not to let children hear us say it, they would ask too many questions and try to use it with their friends. It can make conversations quite uncomfortable if used without warning. Some may even pretend it doesn’t exist at all. You may want to stop reading. . .

I’m going to say it. . .

Last chance.

Okay. Suit yourself.

I am talking about depression. There. I said it.

Depression is something that many suffer from, but few like to talk about. Personally, I never wanted to seem weak or lazy. I was hesitant to tell anybody what was going on, I thought I could power through it. Things got bad—that is a post for a different day.

For a person that has never experienced or seen depression, it can be hard to understand. When I first met my husband, even a while after we were married, he “did not believe in depression.” I am being serious.
Now, he is a believer.

The crazy thing about depression is not always laying in bed sobbing, it can be subtle; not painting your fingernails or not wearing as much makeup.
I am not a professional, nor am I giving medical advice. However, I urge you to reach out to someone, a friend or a doctor and tell them how you are feeling.

Your mental health is equally as important as your physical health!
Don’t be afraid of the “d” word, it is okay to talk about it.

If you or someone you know needs help, visit these suicide prevention resources. 
If you need support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, the Trevor Project at 1-866-488-7386 or reach the Crisis Text Line by texting “START” to 741741.

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

Posted in Books and More

Filling a Void

I recently realized that I have not read a book for recreational purposes in over 5 years; this realization devastated me. I love to read, I always have. What happened? When did I stop reading? I do not recall it being an active choice; however, I can remember that last book that I read and where I was when I finished it.

I suddenly could feel an emptiness in my chest, a hollow sensation that I needed to fill. The question now was, with what? I am not the same person I was half a decade ago. What do I even like to read? I was distraught. I turned to the internet for help. Much to my dismay, I had to KNOW what genre I enjoyed before I could even get suggestions.

I will join a book club. That should be easy right? WRONG. I needed a book club that I could attend virtually not physically as my current lifestyle does not include outings of one. I stumbled upon an Instagram run by Reese Witherspoon, Reese’s Book Club X Hello Sunshine. YES!

Her January pick was The Library Book by Susan Orlean. I hopped over to my B&N account to see what it was about. I read the free sample and fell in love! For the next 3 days I pined over this book, not really wanting to ask my husband to buy it while simultaneously waiting for him to order it. He waited until I had stopped starring at it in my B&N cart and last night, he presented it to me!

I have since submerged myself into this book. I could not sleep, I HAD to keep reading. I have not felt this emotionally connected to a literary work in ages. I was in 7th grade the last time a book had this much impact on me. The gaping emptiness in my chest was full once again.

This is a nonfiction book written about the biggest library fire in American history. I sobbed when reading the list of irreplaceable items that vanished in the inferno. I felt ill when Orlean began naming the copious amounts of libraries that are no longer with us due to violent acts of malice throughout history; the largest loss of literature in modern history, being the second world war.

This book truly a work of art, what begins as research of a devastating fire becomes a captivating account of the interworking of a world with infinite with knowledge and imagination. I have not finished reading this magnificent book and it has already deepened my preexisting obsession with books, libraries, journals, and all things literary. Orlean offers such a compassionate insight into the unremarkable value of libraries.

This is a MUST read!

Posted in Uncategorized

How do you do it?

Do any of you have trouble keeping everything in your house clean and up to date? I do. My mom, mother-in-law, and grandmothers always seem to have it together. It is crazy how everything always seems to be exactly where it is suppose to be.

My bedroom at 10 P.M. last night.

I am interested in hearing how you all tackle the dreaded “to-do list”. I always feel behind no matter how much I do, something is left undone. Moms and grandmas out there PLEASE weigh in! How the heck do you do it? Is there a checklist, a system, a certain order to things?

I will make a follow up post to this next Wednesday; that will allow me time to read, respond and compare all of the tips and tricks that you guys submit.

Please, let me know how YOU get things done.
*Go to contact, put in your name and email, send me a comment. I know its a pain. . . I’m working on it.
Sorry guys.

Posted in Uncategorized

Just be, Mom.


Before I was a mom, I had this idea of what type of mom I would be. I thought that my children would listen to me and follow my instruction. I would be the awesome classroom mom that always brought the best cookies and hosted the most epic parties. My house would have all the awesome toys and there would be an infinite amount of the newest, coolest snacks. I would cook three meals a day, do laundry daily, and I was going to make healthy snacks and pack healthy lunches every single day. It would be amazing. I would be amazing.

As a first-time mom, I washed my daughter’s pacifier every time it fell from her mouth. I cleaned EVERYTHING, and I cleaned it all EVERYDAY. I thought this was how things were “supposed” to be. I stressed over every tiny thing. I was so worried about making sure she was reaching her next mile stone that I did not enjoy the trivial things that she did every day. I wanted to make certain that I was not “spoiling” her, that she was sleeping in her own bed, that I was not holding her too often or for too long. I was so concerned with meeting expectations set by others that I set myself up to feel like a failure. For the longest time, I did not think of myself as a “first-time mom”, I was a “fail at every turn mom”.

When my step son came to live with us, my daughter was only 9 months old and we lived in a tiny 2-bedroom apartment. I kid you not, the apartment was approx. 900 square feet. My kitchen had 2.5’ x 6’ of walk space and if the refrigerator door was open it blocked the doorway. It was an extremely small apartment but, we managed to squeeze two adults, one school-aged child, one baby, and a 50 lb. dog. I thought, “this is just what I need, another child to fail”. Things were super tense.

I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted my step son to transition smoothly and to thrive in his new school. Well, eventually happened it just took 2 years. He hated me. I did not think I was qualified to be raising a 6-year-old. What did I know? I was struggling with a 9-month-old. I was dealing with milestones and obstacles that I had otherwise thought I had years to prepare for. Suddenly, I was a first-time mom with two children.

I got the hang of things-well, sort of. Things were going okay, but I wanted to move into a bigger place. We found a house for a great price and it was big enough. It was old, but we did not care. How soon can we move in? Within 32 days we had packed up and moved. That was 3 years ago. In August, our family grew again. I gave birth to a perfect baby boy! Our oldest plays every sport and our daughter is an aspiring ballet dancer/brain surgeon. HA! My husband and I are both attending Troy University. Life is good, but busy.

If I could meet “before mom” me, I would laugh in the face of that naive child. I am certain that version of myself would cringe at the baggy, food stained sweater and boxers that I have worn since yesterday. She would scoff at my floors and faint at the sight of my laundry room. However, as shocking as this may be, children are messy and being a mom is hard.

I still have lofty goals of organized closets, fantasize about uncluttered counter tops, and dread the thought of turning off the ceiling fans-the dust bunnies would invade. Guess what though? The world did not explode, my children are healthy, my husband is happy, and I still have a sliver of sanity left. It is okay to not be perfect. The sun will still rise, the laundry will be there and getting the dishes out of the dishwasher as needed has not ever killed anyone-to my knowledge. Start enjoying being a mom and stop stressing over being the best mom.

There is no “Best Mom”. Just be, Mom.